
The python code of sitem1d is hosted on The code base contains the necessary files to be installed in python distribution or virtual environment using the installer of the python package index pip directly from the git repository.


The minimum supported python version is 3.6

Latest Version

The latest sitem1d version of the main branch can be installed with the following command:

pip install git+

For most purposes, this is the recommended option. This action will install sitem1d and all its dependancies.

Specific Version or Branch

The main code base of sitem1d contains tags to indicate releases and the develop branch for testing purposes. On overview of the tags can be viewed here and for the branches here. In addition, the source code of dedicated releases can be found here.

The syntax of pip allows to specify, which tag or branch to use during the installation, e.g. for the tag working-empex:

pip install git+

As dependancy

The purpose of sitem1d as a toolbox makes it a candidate to install as dependancy for other python packages. This can be done by adding the following line to the requirements.txt:

sitem1d @ git+